Harali School

    1. Formal Education :
      • A primary and a secondary school affiliated to Maharashtra   SSCE Board (Medium : Semi-English for 5th to 10th)
      • An agricultural polytechnic giving diploma in Agriculture (3years) affiliated to Marathwada Agricultural university, Parabhani
      • Curricular and co-curricular activities :
        1. Projects and models in Science and Social Sciences
        2. Training in self-learning skills, thinking skills and creative expression like oratory, dance, music.
        3. Communication with 50 schools in surrounding villages-activities together
        4. Upasana : Communication with one’s own self and with the universal consciousness
        5. Sports camps with river crossing, rappling, aiming and other adventure games
        6. Training in leadership skills-Basic tenets of democracy
        7. Orientation to Indian Cultural heritage through various celebrations


    1. A day in Gurukul :
      • 6:15 Community Prayer (photo)
      • 6:30 Voluntary labor (Shramakarya) children working in Fields
      • 7:00 Exercise (photo)
      • 8:00 Break fast
      • 9:30 School assembly (photo-class, lab, art, music)
      • 4:30 Sports time
      • 6:00 Cultural activities (Drama, Dance)
      • 7:00 Self-study
      • 8:00 Dinner
      • 10:00 Lights off-Serene sleep


    1. Our Campus :


    • The main building houses the school, the dormitories and offices, also the Upasana Mandir- assembly hall or Prayer hall. Here is the computer lab and downstairs dining hall.
    • Then comes the Agricultural Polytechnic, its classes and water-soil testing lab.
    • This is Women’s residence-a cosy place for rest for the women employees who are single parents.
    • Bhaskar Nivas or friends’ home is the residence for visitors of our Agri tourism center participants for spiritual retreats and various other training programs stay here.
    • You can see a Conference Hall which is a venue for training.
    • Here we come to Sadhak Nivas a home for the senior, dedicated workers of JP and for those who are interested in serious spiritual pursuit.